Irish Wolfhound Odyssey

Irish Wolfhound Odyssey

  • €26,00

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About the Author

LOIS J. THOMASSON has been breeding Irish Wolfhounds under her Fleetwind kennel name for forty-five years. She has bred over seventy champions of record, including numerous Group, Specialty and Best in Show winners. Her articles and columns have appeared in such magazines as Kennel Review, Popular Dogs, The Gazehound, and the American Kennel Club Gazette.


It is with great pleasure that I welcome and recommend this third edition of Lois Thomasson's book                           

“The Irish Wolfhound Odessey”

Lois devoted her life to our Irish Wolfhound. She wrote: “If there is to be any assurance for the future of the Irish Wolfhound as Captain Graham envisioned it, then the next generation of breeders must be cultivated and nurtured, and furnished with the information they can convert to knowledge. From Lois Thomasson’s book, Irish Wolfhound Odyssey “In Search of Graham’s Hound”. This sums up and defines Lois’ service to our Wolfhound.

Thankful also for the help of the Federation of Irish Wolfhounds Clubs (FIWC/EIWC) who made this third edition possible.

Happy to share Lois knowledge she diligently provided seminars, presentations, and ringside tutelage to prospective judges and members and all interested parties.  Her writings gave her the opportunity to share with a wider audience, at home and around the world.

A great favourite at home and abroad, Lois is indeed “a legend in her own time”.

Thank you Lois

Betty Murphy

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